A downloadable tool

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This is the official page for the complexpbr Demo! Thank you for your consideration in supporting advanced Panda3D development efforts.

This is the "initial demo" which I used to prototype complexpbr, and show off advanced Panda3D rendering features with a fully built character controller and physics modeled environment. This demo environment would be useful to any aspiring or veteran game developer interested in building an "AA" level game in Panda3D.

complexpbr supports PBR, IBL, SSAO, SSR, custom AA, vertex displacement mapping, HSV color correction, custom BRDF generation, dynamic (or optionally static) environment reflections, and custom environment map camera positioning. The full source for the complexpbr module can be found here: panda3d-complexpbr

Included with the Demo:

"demo.py" contains the level logic, lighting, and core update loop.

"fpc.py" contains the character controller logic.

"bridge_level.py" contains the bridge level setup code and model loading logic.

All models with Blender files and program-critical textures are included.

complexpbr.screenspace_init() automatically enables the AA, SSAO, SSR, and HSV color correction. To use the vertex displacement mapping, provide your displacement map as a shader input to your respective model node -- full examples are contained in the "bridge_level.py" file.

By default, the environment reflections dynamically track the camera view. You may set a custom position with the 'env_cam_pos' apply_shader() input variable to IE fix the view to a skybox somewhere on the scene graph. This env_cam_pos variable can be updated live afterwards by setting base.env_cam_pos = Vec3(some_pos). The option to disable or re-enable dynamic reflections is available.

I hope you enjoy the complexpbr Demo, and I look forward to providing ever-cooler tools and features in the future. Feel free to reach out to me (Simulan) at discourse.panda3d.org with any questions!


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

complexpbr_demo_final.zip 815 MB

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